
Showing posts from July, 2020

5 ways to publish a book for free

show 5 Awesome Sites where you can Publish your eBook for Free One of the technological revolutions of the 21st century is most definitely the eBooks. Isn’t it? Well, technically the story of eBooks started in the previous century in 1971 when Michael Hart of the University of Illinois started Project Guttenberg. However, it has gained worldwide appeal only recently with the proliferation of internet enabled mobile devices. According to  an article published in Huffingpost , today about a quarter of all dollar sales is in the form of eBooks.. Also,  Pricewaterhouse Coopers predicts  that sales of digital format of the book are expected to exceed print by the year 2018. The eBook marketing is growing at a rapid pace as eBoo...

समास कै अभ्यास षशन।sams extra question and answers for class 9&10

site search by freefind advanced             समास समास के 50 question and answer             So let's start  .1: ‘देशांतर’ में कौन-सा समास है   ? (A) द्वंद्व      (B) तत्पुरुष    (C) बहुव्रीहि   (D) द्विगु Right Answer- (B) तत्पुरुष   Q.2:  ‘दशानन’ में कौन-सा समास है  ? (A)   तत्पुरुष    (B) कर्मधारय    (C) बहुव्रीहि  (D)  द्विगु Right Answer- (C) बहुव्रीहि    Q.3: ‘चौराहा’ शब्द में कौन-सा समास है   ? (A)  कर्मधारय     (B) द्वंद्व   (C)  द्विगु  (D) अव्ययीभाव Right Answer- (C)  द्विगु     Q.4: ‘तिरंगा’ में न-सा समास है   ? (A)...

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